
The choice of Hebel is a smart one. Easy to build with, efficient and low-risk, Hebel also creates a quiet, more comfortable environment for residents.

Building with Hebel delivers outstanding benefits for multi-residential and retirement developments.  

Hebel products and systems have been subjected to rigorous testing to ensure a consistently high standard of product, speed of construction and thermal and acoustic performance.

Engineered to suit a range of applications including external cladding, boundary walls, party walls, floors and fences, Hebel is the ideal choice for builders who are looking to deliver premium low rise residential developments.


Hebel products and systems deliver a range of outstanding benefits to builders and homeowners.


  • Zero Boundary Walls
  • External Walls
  • Floors
  • Fences

Hebel Systems

Zero Boundary Walls

Hebel’s PowerPanelXL Boundary Wall system is one of the most efficient ways to install boundary walls, especially when combined with Hebel’s patented Hebel Hoist technology.

An innovative, hoisting solution used for Multi-Residential projects, the Hebel Hoist attaches directly to the frame of the dwelling, enabling panels to be easily and safely installed right on the boundary.  The result is a more streamlined workflow, improved efficiency, increased value to the build and improved workplace safety.

PowerPanelXL is fast to install, requires less scaffolding on site and can lead to significant cost savings.  Containing steel reinforcement coated with an anti-corrosion layer for maximum durability and strength, PowerPanelXL is non-combustible,  and in the specially engineered boundary wall system, provides outstanding thermal and acoustic performance resulting in a quiet, comfortable home and savings on energy costs.

System Application Fire Acoustic Thermal Wall thickness
label PowerPanelXL Zero boundary wall system Fire 180/180/180 Acoustic Rw + Ctr 35 to 39 Thermal R1.61 to R3.57 Wall thickness 169mm to 200mm

Hebel Systems

External Walls

Hebel PowerPanel XL is one of the most efficient ways to clad residential walls, resulting in a strong, solid and attractive facade.

Fast to install and available in a range of sizes, the Hebel PowerPanelXL system can reduce scaffolding and wastage costs, whilst still delivering on premium low rise builds.

Non-combustible with an FRL of 180/180/180 and offering outstanding acoustic and thermal properties, this system is safe, low-risk and results in a more quiet and comfortable home for the resident.

System Application Fire Acoustic STC Acoustic Rw Thermal Wall thickness
label PowerPanelXL external wall system Fire 180/180/180 Acoustic STC 64 to 76 Acoustic Rw Rw + Ctr 35 to 39 Thermal R1.61 to R3.57 Wall thickness 169mm to 200mm

Hebel Systems


Hebel flooring systems offer exceptional benefits for multi-residential properties, delivering the solid feel of a concrete floor at a lower cost.

The Hebel PowerFloor system consists of 75mm panels containing steel reinforcement with an anti-corrosion protection layer, to ensure maximum strength and durability.  These panels are installed over steel or timber joists to provide an outstanding flooring solution for suspended ground floors or midfloors with excellent thermal and acoustic performance.  Once finished, the Hebel PowerFloor system provides a solid base for just about any floor covering.

The Hebel PowerFloor+ flooring system is a loadbearing reinforced flooring system that can span up to 5.85 metres and provides a solid, fully engineered cross-braced floor for residential construction.  Lightweight, yet strong, and offering enhanced insulation, this system can be laid in place without formwork or support and is trafficable immediately following installation.  The interlocking of the panels with grout creates a full fire seal between panels, and combined with Hebel’s unique fire resistant properties, it can mean the PowerFloor+ system can achieve FRL’s of up to 3 hours.  Once finished, the floor provides a solid base for a range of floor coverings.

System Application Fire Acoustic STC Acoustic Rw Thermal Floor thickness (mm) Acoustic - no ceiling system Acoustic - with ceiling system
label PowerFloor system Fire Up to 240 minutes from above, up to 90 minutes from below (with approved CSR Gyprock ceiling) Acoustic Acoustic STC No ceiling 33 to 37
With ceiling 54 to 60
Acoustic Rw Rw + Ctr 30 to 33dB
Lnw + Cl 83 to 45dB
Rw + Ctr 48 to 54dB
Lnw + Cl 70 to 32dB
Thermal R0.52 to R3.02 Floor thickness (mm) 75mm Acoustic - no ceiling system Acoustic - with ceiling system
label PowerFloor+ system Fire Up to 180mins from above and below Acoustic STC Acoustic Rw Thermal R0.92 (150mm thick panel only at dry density) to R1.54 (250mm thick panel only at dry density) Floor thickness (mm) 150 - 250mm Acoustic - no ceiling system Rw+Ctr = 45dB Acoustic - with ceiling system Rw+Ctr = 50dB

Hebel Systems


Hebel PowerFence provides an innovative, solid fencing system that’s attractive, versatile and easy to install – adding the perfect touch to your multi-residential project.

Using standard 1800 x 600 x 75mm panels, steel brackets and steel posts which can be easily and quickly erected without the need for excavation or strip footing, the PowerFence system is ideal for boundary fencing and as an alternative to standard masonry for front fences.

Finished in either an expressed or monolithic look, the Hebel PowerFence can be painted or rendered to enhance the visual appeal of any project.

Hebel Stories Be inspired by the versatility of Hebel

Halcyon delivers sustainable homes for Australian seniors

Sunland Group builds better with Hebel

How Hebel helped Qattro grow as a business and deliver great homes

Ausmar Assist makes a difference with Hebel

Retirees love living in a Hebel home within a Halcyon community

Hebel Hoist – making it easier to install boundary and party walls in areas with limited access


Q. Why is Hebel the superior choice when it comes to building boundary or intertenancy walls?

At Hebel, there is a focus on delivering high-quality products, innovation and high standards of production.  This has enabled Hebel to stand out as a supplier of AAC, and the only Australian manufacturer of AAC.

More recently, Hebel has developed a patented hoisting solution, making it much easier to install boundary and intertenancy walls in areas with limited access.  The ‘Hebel Hoist’ reduces safety risks associated with manual lifting and handling, and improves project efficiency by letting you complete all the dwelling frames at once, saving a minimum of day’s work per wall. Installing with Hebel Hoist also has the potential of increasing the floor area and value of your project because it gives builders the ability to build right up to the boundary without having to leave a gap for scaffolding.

Importantly installation via our Hebel Hoist process ensures that each back to back boundary wall is installed without encroaching the neighbouring boundary and without compromise to meeting fire, acoustic and weather tightness performance. Our Hebel hoist has enabled us to achieve what is near impossible using conventional techniques on site.

Q. I’ve heard it’s quicker to build in Hebel than other masonry products - is that true?

Building with Hebel means faster construction without sacrificing on quality.  Installing one Hebel panel is the equivalent to laying 75 bricks, which means a 150m2 home can be go up as quickly as 3 days when installed by experienced Hebel installers.  Hebel makes the construction process quicker, with less onsite mess and wastage, which is why it is increasingly becoming the builder’s choice.

Q. I’m looking to build a boundary fence for my development, is there a suitable Hebel product for that application?

Hebel PowerFence is an innovative solid masonry fencing system that is versatile, easy to install, and modern in its look and finish.  Perfect for boundary fencing it can be painted or rendered and acts as a reflective noise barrier system.  It’s non-combustible, making it perfect for bushfire zones. The steel in Hebel panels are coated with an anti-corrosion protection layer steel for to ensure maximum strength and high durability.

Q. What’s the benefit of using Hebel PowerFloor as my flooring system?

Hebel PowerFloor is a great choice of flooring solution with it’s high-performing acoustic and thermal benefits.  This means less noise between floors and none of the squeak or bounce associated with particleboard flooring.  Hebel PowerFloor can be easily installed by onsite tradesman such as carpenters and sits well beneath any floor covering such as tiles, carpets or strip timber flooring.

Q. Does Hebel just come in blocks and standard panels?  What if I need special length panels?

The Hebel PowerPanel and PowerPanelXL range, suitable for use in residential projects, is available in a number of standard sizes, which are generally available for delivery within 24-48 hours of an order being placed.

The PowerPanelXL range of 75mm, single mesh panels can also be made to order in 5mm increments between 1800mm and 3300mm, with options of a square edge or tongue in groove profile.

Hebel can also design and manufacture panels to meet a variety of structural loads and applications. All design loads and engineering requirements for the design of structural Hebel panels must be provided by your engineer.

Q. I need technical advice on whether Hebel is suitable for my project; does Hebel offer that service?

CSR Hebel is Australia’s only manufacturer of AAC with over 25 years of experience in designing and developing AAC systems for Australian buildings.  This affords Hebel decades of technical expertise and experience in delivering high-quality products and systems that makes building with Hebel efficient and low-risk.  Our teams of qualified engineers and subject-matter experts can provide a range of services for your next project including assistance with overall review including layout , design considerations, estimating,  and assistance with scheduling and logistics.

Installing with Hebel

Wanting to install Hebel in a Multi-Residential development? Learn how Hebel’s patented hoist technology makes it faster and easier than ever.

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