Hebel Hoist is Hebel’s innovative hoisting solution, making it much easier to install boundary and intertenancy walls in areas with limited access.
The revolutionary lifting device attaches directly to the frame or scaffold using a monorail system, which allows panels to be safely lifted from above. Panels can then be transported to the precise location to be fixed from the inside of the building.
Joe Boscaino, CSR Hebel’s State Sales Manager for Qld & SA , says that using Hebel Hoist delivers great benefits during and after the building process for a variety of reasons.
Improving project efficiency
For traditional low-rise builds, carpenters would be required to construct a frame before calling in the contractors to install the intertenancy wall system. The carpenters would then have to come back to build the next frame and so on – resulting in a long process with several limitations.
Hebel Hoist lets you complete all the frames at once. Once the carpenters have left, the contractors erect the hoist, using the frame as support, and install all the boundary and intertenancy walls.
“You’d probably save a day per wall at a minimum. It could be more depending on a range of things. If there are two walls on every boundary wall, that’s two days minimum that you would save,“ Joe explains.
The Hebel Hoist system allows panels to be slid into place and fixed from the inside of the building, so that you can install fire rated walls right on the boundary. This has the potential to significantly increase the floor area and value of your project.
“When building up to an existing boundary where there’s already an existing building, Hebel Hoist gives you the ability to build right up to that boundary rather than leaving a gap for scaffolding and other on-site equipment… so it really allows you to gain as much space as possible,” Joe added.
Reducing safety risks
The electric hoist and lifting system of Hebel Hoist ensures panels are handled safely with minimal manual lifting and transporting by installers. This limits the likelihood of an on-site accident or injury.
“You’re removing a lot of the manual handling of panels, as well as having to maneuver them on the site and get them up onto scaffolds for the upper levels. So from an occupational health and safety perspective it really streamlines that process and reduces risks immensely,” Joe said.
Joe argues that builders using traditional methods could not only struggle to get the job done quickly and easily, but may also have difficulty meeting fire safety compliance requirements.
“Builders that aren’t building using something like Hebel Hoist face the risk of failing to comply with fire safety requirements, which is obviously not a good thing,” he said.
“Hebel Hoist is better than traditional methods in that it allows you to meet compliance, to build faster and to build safer,” Joe added.